Frequently Asked Questions

  • Parts 1-4 take an 8-week term each with a break for school holidays in between.

    There’s no obligation to complete more than one Part but, whilst benefits will take place at every stage, experiencing the whole cycle is like a ‘complete renovation’ for the mind whilst doing Part 1 on its own is like ‘doing up one room’ in comparison!

  • A session runs for 45-90 minutes, depending on the number of participants.

  • Experiences from the prior week’s exercise are shared, any theory discussed, then the exercise runs for 15-20 minutes.

    A short debrief ends the session and a recording of the exercise is emailed to participants so that they might repeat it throughout the week until the following session.

  • Everyone’s journey is highly individual so it depends where in the course you come across things you particularly want to change. For example, if sleep was an issue for you, you may find improvement in Week 4 when we do the exercise for improving sleep. Many people report noticing particularly marked changes in the way they feel in by the end of Part 2.

  • A daily exercise typically takes 15-20 minutes to complete.

  • Yes, individual sessions to work on a specific issue can be arranged via the Contact page.

    Sometimes Parts from the full course also end up running with just one participant, but a group dynamic is a valuable context as it adds sociability to the experience and helps illustrate that there’s no right or wrong way to respond to the exercises – Sophrology is a guided, but very much individual journey of self-discovery and development.

  • The more times each week you practise the exercise, the quicker the results are experienced, it’s like learning to play an instrument or a sport, but 3-5 times per week is optimum.

  • Yes, information sessions are run according to demand at the start of each term and they operate very much like a class, with a sample exercise included.