Global Context

Sophrology is well-respected and widely used for stress management and self-development throughout Continental Europe…

It is now recognized in the UK and United States and the International Sophrology Federation promotes awareness of the practice and provides evidence of its effectiveness in increasing health, wellbeing and performance. It also maintains the integrity of the method as it expands around the world and encourages the ongoing professional development of its members.

​In Switzerland, Sophrology is reimbursed by the Swiss National Insurance as it has been proven that people who practise Sophrology regularly, reduce their medication intake by 30%.​

It is applied in education, corporate and social environments throughout France, Switzerland, Belgium and Spain and 90% of the top sports people in Switzerland work with a sophrologist. Many Swiss hospitals use Sophrology to prepare patients for surgical interventions, EMR scans and stress-free childbirth and it is also one of the top methods for pre and post-natal care in Japan, Korea and France. 

There are many Sophrology schools, federations and associations throughout French-speaking countries where the method has been practised for decades.