The Practice

How you can start your Sophrology Practice and what is typically included.

The Practice

Sophrology has 3 ‘Cycles’, the 2nd and 3rd make up the ‘Master Sophrology Courses’ (Part 5-12).

The First Cycle is most commonly undertaken and covers Part 1-4.


Engaging the Present

Connecting the mind and body


Focus on the Future

Engendering confidence in positive outcomes ahead


Working with the Past

De-sensitising negative memories and reinforcing positive one


Uniting the 1-3 Part

Combining and compounding the outcomes of those before

Sample Practice

Sophrology exercises always start with a 'body scan' to help connect your mind and body. If you're curious, press play, close your eyes and try it now.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Part 1-4 each take 8 weeks to complete, with a break in between so that the First Cycle generally takes about 20 months in all.

    There is no obligation to complete more than one level, but many people find they want to continue with the journey after Part 1.

  • Small classes run weekly for about an hour, depending on how many are in the group.

  • Experiences from the prior week’s exercise are shared, any theory discussed, then the exercise runs for 15-20 minutes.

    A short debrief ends the session and a recording of the exercise is emailed to participants so that they might repeat it daily until the following session.

    The more often the exercises are repeated throughout the week, the more positive changes will be experienced.

  • The more often the exercises are repeated throughout the week, the more positive changes will be experienced.

  • A typical exercise goes for about 15 minutes and starts with breath and body awareness, a tension release and gentle physical activation gestures. The middle section is a visualisation directed toward a specific purpose, then a few minutes are spent writing down the sensations experienced, in order to consolidate them in the mind.

  • Individually-tailored short courses to address a specific issue (an up-coming stressful event for example), can be delivered as one-to-one sessions.